Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Plane Ride

On the 8 and a half hr plane right over to London England...this was some of the first land we saw. The engine on the plane was the size of the body of a 737. When we got to London it was around 4:30 AM in Calgary, and 10:30 AM in London. We only got an hour of sleep on the plane and then we stayed up all day so we could switch to London time. So tiring!

On the way off the plane Cody sat down in First Class, it was so amazing! Everyone sat on an angle, they had an extra large screen, and they could completely recline and put their feet up.

Heres a pic of the plane from inside the if the engine alone is the size of a can only imagine how big this thing really is.... =) The picture really isn't justice..

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